baby Watch Lilija Grow: August 2007

Monday, August 27, 2007

Hangin' Out

What a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon...hanging out with my big brother watching the squirrels gather chestnuts.

Ahhh, those lazy days of August- hope you're enjoying them as well.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Princess Lilija

Greetings! I am Princess Lilija and you have entered my enchanted kingdom. It is filled with flowers of every type, swings, grass, bees, and butterflies.

Some may call it a backyard- but is my paradise

This is Prince Jakie. As you can see, he's the goofy one. I hear each family has one...

He and I get to "rule" this land of ours.

Being a Princess is hard work. Sometimes I get tired and like to sit amongst my "subjects".

This is Queen Mommy. She and King Daddy (not pictured because "guys don't wear those flower things on their heads") are the true rulers of this little piece of serenity...You go right ahead believing that, but Jakie and I know who the true rulers are-us!

Hope you are enjoying your little kingdom as well