baby Watch Lilija Grow: September 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My First Word

Guess what? The day before I turned 9 months old I uttered my very first word! What do you think it was? It was...

Hey, there's Molly- I'm gonna get her this time...

Almost got you, Moll. This time you are mine...

Molly? Where are you going? Can't I pull your tail? Eat some of your fur? Slobber on you?
Hey, I'm talking to you...KITTY?

Oh well, when the going gets tough, the tough keep climbing! By the way, are little babies allowed to climb up a long flight of stairs by themselves? Mommy? No answer- I thought so.

Oh, my first word is the only word in caps above...happy hunting!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Say Cheese




What happened?

Aww..why does this ALWAYS happen to me?