baby Watch Lilija Grow: January 2008

Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Ga-Ga House

Jakie and I spent some part of Monday morning playing with my "Ga-Ga" house. Lily calls any small plastic figure a "ga-ga"

Jakie is so helpful explaining how things are done around the house. Here he's showing me how to bend the mommy ga-ga to make her sit.

Jakie and Lily have gone to take a nap. Let's take a closer look at what goes on in the "Ga-Ga" home...
The Go-Go's are visiting again. They're hanging out with big sister watching Dora reruns (the Go-Gos hope they'll see themselves on TV).
Baby "Ga-Ga" is nestled under her blankie in her crib in the attic (what an ideal place to put the baby-the attic!)

Here's Daddy Donnie (the only Ga-Ga to have a formal name) primping in front of the mirror. Jakie always puts Daddy Donnie in front of the mirror...

Oh, who's that in Daddy Donnie's bed? Why it's GRANDMA! Yes, Daddy Donnie only sleeps in bed with Grandma. If you try to put mommy in bed with Daddy Donnie, Jakie throws a tantrum. Grandma Helen has some explaining to do.
So where do you ask is Mommy Ga-Ga?

In the bathtub! She's alone today, but she can be found in the bathtub quite often with one or both of the Go-Gos!

I plead the fifth.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Lil' Gopher

"Goooo, GOFERS"
I think my cheerleading days are over before they've even begun.

I need some Gatorade. Cheering is HARD work.

I just told Jakie that the Twins aren't going to do well this season...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Catching Molly-Another Try

Shhh, I'm going to sneak up on Molly and pet her. She doesn't know that I have developed super climbing abilities.

Almost there-
I can hear her purring....I can smell her tuna breath...I can...

Umm, can someone help me? I seem to be suck! Anyone? Mommy? Can you stop taking pictures and help me out?

I WILL pet you, Molly.

To be continued...

First Haircut

Oh, Hi! You've caught in the middle of getting my very first haircut. Jakie said you have to take you're shirt off because the hair is VERY itchy!

Um, Daddy? Can you just take alittle off the sides- I'm a girl...remember?

Yes, mom and dad had to use car keys as a distraction- I got bored quickly.

There is no finished haircut picture- I started to cry. All I can say is I don't hate it!

Psst, mommy, can you book my next apointmentwith Alicia (your hairdresser?)