baby Watch Lilija Grow

Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm Finally Two!

Guess What? Today is my birthday! Do you know how old I am...

I'm TWO! Holding up that many fingers makes me cross-eyed and dizzy...whatever will I do when I turn three?

I wanted cupcakes for my Dora birthday party, so Daddy got me some 'Hello Kitty' ones. here I am patiently waiting for mommy to light the candles. Hurry up mommy, the cupcake is calling to me.

I closed my eyes, blew out the candles, and made a wish...

....and it came true- I got to eat my cupcake.

And so did Jakie.

Jakie tried to sit in my party chair at one point and I did not like that. "It's my Dora Party, Jakija. Get your own party!"

Here's me and Mommija- a rare event to have mommy in a picture (she's usually taking the shots)

Even Devin got in the party mood- although he didn't really like the hat on his head.

After cake, I got to open PRESENTS! Boy, did I have a pile of them to open. Jakie was trying to be helpful- giving me pointers on how to tear open the presents. That's all great, but for gosh sakes, I'm two- I can handle ripping open wrapping paper by myself.

My second wish came true- I got the baby dolly I wanted. Isn't she beautiful.

Feeding baby is hard work- I gotta lay down. How in the world does mommy do this all day long?

After feeding baby dolly, I thought I'd whip up something for all of us to eat. A woman's work is never done.

While I was checking out all my new toys, Daddy put together my very own playhouse. Hey, can someone make me a sign that says 'Girls Only"?

Well, it's been a long, exhausting, exhilirating day. I'm off to re-coop in my playhouse...thanks for a wonderful birthday!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Meow-Happy Halloween

Here I am being transformed into a black-kitty. I asked to be a black-kitty months ago and now I finally am one (just like Dora in my halloween book!)

Buzz Lightyear and I are off to collect some galactic candy.

I am SO proud to be going trick-o-treating with Jakie (just like a big kid).

I made it most of the way on my own two feet- daddy had to carry me only for a little bit. But would you look at the haul I got! You'd be tired too if you had to carry a Hello Kitty bucket full of delicious treats that weighed more than you did!

Don't eat all your treats at once! Mom and Dad are making sure I'm not.

Monday, September 15, 2008

My Big Girl Bed

Guess what this big white thing is- yep, it's my big girl bed. Here I am helping Daddy put it together. Are you done yet, Dad?

Jakie wanted to help too. So Daddy asked him to hold this metal piece...and so he did.

I got bored of waiting and helping. I'm trying to decide if I can sleep on the ottoman. Even the Dora pillowcase I put down on it doesn't make it comfy.

Finally- it's done! It's huge. But it will fit all my stuffed animals and dollys and books, oh and me!

Jakie told me that he loved my bed better than his! I have to agree with him there- my new big girl bed ROCKS!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Princess Lilija

Today I found four pairs of princess shoes. I had to try them on right away. They' kind of tricky to stand in- I need to hold on to something to get my balance

Ok, here I go...I LOVE the click-clack they make on the wooden floors. The Cinderella shoes are by far my favorite ones!

How the heck do you walk in these things all day?

How the heck am I supposed to know?

The Snow White ones are my (and La's) favorite pair of princess shoes!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fun in the Sun

What the heck is Jakie doing with that bug that spews water? He seems to be having a great time, however.
Here water, water...If only I was plastic girl I could stretch to get you H2O.

Ah, success- I have gotten wet and it has not hurt me! In fact, I LOVE it.

That was exhilerating- very cold, but quite awesome!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Meeting My Heroes

Here's me and Pablo- he is by far my favorite Backyardigan! Boy can he dance.
OMG! It's Dora and Boots. I cannot believe that they are at the MOA.
All this excitement made me hungry- I highly recommend the McDonald's Krabby Patties. They're my newest food obsession.