baby Watch Lilija Grow: I'm Finally Two!

Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm Finally Two!

Guess What? Today is my birthday! Do you know how old I am...

I'm TWO! Holding up that many fingers makes me cross-eyed and dizzy...whatever will I do when I turn three?

I wanted cupcakes for my Dora birthday party, so Daddy got me some 'Hello Kitty' ones. here I am patiently waiting for mommy to light the candles. Hurry up mommy, the cupcake is calling to me.

I closed my eyes, blew out the candles, and made a wish...

....and it came true- I got to eat my cupcake.

And so did Jakie.

Jakie tried to sit in my party chair at one point and I did not like that. "It's my Dora Party, Jakija. Get your own party!"

Here's me and Mommija- a rare event to have mommy in a picture (she's usually taking the shots)

Even Devin got in the party mood- although he didn't really like the hat on his head.

After cake, I got to open PRESENTS! Boy, did I have a pile of them to open. Jakie was trying to be helpful- giving me pointers on how to tear open the presents. That's all great, but for gosh sakes, I'm two- I can handle ripping open wrapping paper by myself.

My second wish came true- I got the baby dolly I wanted. Isn't she beautiful.

Feeding baby is hard work- I gotta lay down. How in the world does mommy do this all day long?

After feeding baby dolly, I thought I'd whip up something for all of us to eat. A woman's work is never done.

While I was checking out all my new toys, Daddy put together my very own playhouse. Hey, can someone make me a sign that says 'Girls Only"?

Well, it's been a long, exhausting, exhilirating day. I'm off to re-coop in my playhouse...thanks for a wonderful birthday!

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