baby Watch Lilija Grow: Catchin' Some Rays

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Catchin' Some Rays

Oh, "Hi!" You caught me sunbathing. Although, how much of a tan can a girl get when mommy slathers SPF 50 all over you. Pasty white-that's the color I'm going for this summer.
I bet I look a little different from the first picture you ever saw of me- I've put on a few pounds, grown some hair, and am getter taller by the minute. So much has happened in the last 7 months that I don't know where to begin...

The next few blog entries will help you catch up to what's been happening with and to me. The parents STILL only have dial-up (I hear wi-fi is on the horizon) so blogging will be slow and tedious.

O-oh! Jakie's discovered that I'm playing will his ball. Gotta scaddadle before he catches me...


Anonymous said...

Hey Lily--

That is quite the sassy summer outfit you have on. You are growing so fast! Looking forward to your blogging adventures!

Anonymous said...

G&G T are so happy to see your pictures and your blogging adventures will be great fun.