baby Watch Lilija Grow: October 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween: Part II

'Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble'

Don't be scared, it's just me- Lily Witch. I'm getting ready to brew a magic potion which will allow me to eat candy on this my very first Halloween...

My magic pot just needs one more thing- dried up stick off of a hosta plant. Yes, this one will do splendidly.

I am going to add it to my boiling potion and then I too will be able to enjoy this candy stuff on Halloween...

Bummers- I burned the potion! See how black it is inside my pumpkin cauldron. No candy for me this year. Foiled again...

I shall have to ask mommy witch how the candy eating potion is done (although I hear she's burned quite a few potions in her time).

All I wanted was some candy- this day is officially over for me. I need to get some rest.

Can somone get this hat off of me- I'm not kidding.

Halloween: Part I

Happy Halloween! Here I am checking out the pumpkins- they are really cool! Did you know that you can roll them?

If I look serious it's because I have a cold. If it wasn't for tylenol and ibuprofen I'd be in-miserable (to quote Grandma Genia). But it was such a beautiful afternoon that I couldn't stay insde.

Mmmm...pumpkin! Grandma, I hear you make a wickedly good pumpkin pie- I can't wait to try it.

Here's me and mommy- just the girls hanging out!

We tried to get Jakie involved, but as you can see he wanted no part! He needed to go run and fall in the 'bursh' (bush).

Sunday, October 28, 2007


In an attempt to show Jakie that his SpongeBob costume is cool- Grandma scared Lily, was ignored by AJ, and was unable to convince Jakie to wear the costume!

Very traumatic moment in Lily's life!

A Halloween 'Who Done It'

1. The Culprit

2. The Victim

3. The Solution
It was the pumpkin, with the Sharpie, in the living room