baby Watch Lilija Grow: November 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Birthday Visit

When we were in Chicago we went to visit mommy's sister, Grace. Hey, that's my middle name-oh yeah, I was named after her! The last time I saw Auntie Grace, I was a baby. She even said I was a 'big girl' now.

This is Uncle Bill and Patches (f.y.i.- Patches is the doggie). This was my first time meeting Uncle Bill- he's scowling in the picture, but he's actually a very nice uncle.

These are all my cousins- Jacquie, Matthew, Kristina, and Katelyn. I sure had alot of fun with them. Maybe they can come visit me sometime?

Cousin Julie turns 14 on November 16. Auntie Grace surprised her with a party and our visit! My favorite part was the cake- yum.

As we were leaving, Mattie wanted to hold me. (what's up with little boys wanting to hold me?) He's very sweet (for a boy). And most importantly, he didn't drop me!

Love you guys!

Pudgie and Stinky

This is my new friend Pudgie. He has a brother Stinky. I love them both, but I think I love Pudgie a little more- he let me pull on his collar and poke him in the eye...

He let me kiss him. Auntie Coll said 'give Pudge a kiss' and so I did (both of us had our mouths open and our tongues were sticking out- what a kisser!)...

He let me hang out with him on his favorite blanket (which happens to be Auntie Coll's blanket) Psst...she's actually hiding under the blanket in the picture. Honestly, there really is an Auntie Coll- maybe one day we'll capture her on film...

Anyway, I learned one important thing- I love pugs! Can have one?