baby Watch Lilija Grow: December 2007

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Merry Christmas!

Today I played in the snow for the very first time- it was GREAT. Daddy put me and Jakie on a sled and took us for a ride (yes, Jakie actually let me sit with him)

Daddy had quite the work-out pulling us kids in the snow.

I got a little scared of how 'fast' daddy was pulling me, so I took a little breather on the front steps. I think my butt is freezing...

Hey, where did my hand go? I thought I had one in here...

Don't worry hand- I'm coming to get you. Afterall, what else are all my sharp teeth for?

Okay, now this is more like it- the whole sled to mysef. Mush, Mommy!

Hey, wait. What is this white stuff on the ground? It looks delectible- kind of like a snow cone.

Hmmm, not bad. Not bad at all...

Ahhh- I think I just sucked on some yellow snow!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My New Toys

Jakie really likes to feed my new dolly with her bottle.

Here's Jakie playing with my new kitchen. He spends alot of time making Krabby Patties. Notice that the trains help out alot in the kitchen.

Here's my new dollhouse. Jakie only plays with 'Daddy Donnie' (who spends alot of time on the toilet with his eet propped up on the sink- art imitating life???)

Have you noticed a theme, dear reader? Jakie has claimed all my new toy for his own. But don't worry, I've been able to play with them myself (sometimes)

Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm AlmostOne!

Welcome to my first birthday party! Grandma and Grandpa let me have the party at their house. Everyone I knew came...

Teddy dressed up in her very best Hello Kitty outfit. She grabbed a balloon and started to party.

Nate, Julia, and Jakie provided the "music". What a trio- they should hit the rode with their act!

Grandma and Grandpa were there, of course. Duh-they live there!

Grandma (who is a HUGE Hello Kitty fan) brought out her own Hello Kitties to decorate the house for my special day.

Auntie Kristina, Uncle Ed, Nate, and Julia all helped me celebrate.

Those are tears of joy that you see.

My godparents (Auntie Em and Uncle Bry) and AJ made it in from Roseville. AJ never likes to near me (oh, well)

Auntie Marie, Uncle Keith, Joe, and Alyssa were there too. Alyssa isn't looking at the camera because she thinks I'm stealing her mommy from her...she gave me an earful about this as well as a smack on the head.

Those Virgos, what can I say...

I met Jon, Christy, Jenny, Elsie, and Jackson for the very first ime. Daddy and Jon go "way back"- whatever that means.

After all that socializing we finally got to eat cake. For cake and cake blowing out pictures please refer to cousin AJ's blog- it was a BIG blur to me, the sugar, the flame, Jakie yelling for cake- it all got to me (and mommy) so no picture were taken....

The cake put me in a sugar coma- all I can say is I now see why Jakie likes to go to birthday parties.

I got a little over zealous with the cake and needed a bath....

Grandma put me in the tub and cleaned the frosting off of me. I don't know if you can see, but I have orange frosting on my right eyelid- that was a YUMMY cake!

A mixture of Shout, OxiClean, and Tide actually got all the frosting out. Next time- no white shirt!

Then it was time to open presents- thanks for all the great thing.

I had a wonderful birthday and it ws all because of YOU! Love ya...

Mommy got Wi-Fi (yeah!) so now she won't cringe when she has to updte the blog!