baby Watch Lilija Grow: Winter Wonderland

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Merry Christmas!

Today I played in the snow for the very first time- it was GREAT. Daddy put me and Jakie on a sled and took us for a ride (yes, Jakie actually let me sit with him)

Daddy had quite the work-out pulling us kids in the snow.

I got a little scared of how 'fast' daddy was pulling me, so I took a little breather on the front steps. I think my butt is freezing...

Hey, where did my hand go? I thought I had one in here...

Don't worry hand- I'm coming to get you. Afterall, what else are all my sharp teeth for?

Okay, now this is more like it- the whole sled to mysef. Mush, Mommy!

Hey, wait. What is this white stuff on the ground? It looks delectible- kind of like a snow cone.

Hmmm, not bad. Not bad at all...

Ahhh- I think I just sucked on some yellow snow!!!

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