baby Watch Lilija Grow: He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not?

Sunday, July 15, 2007

He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not?

That's me and Jakie, my big brother. We didn't always get along this great. At first he thought I was just visiting. Then he realized I was here to stay, and he got a little mad. But we're slowy getting over that fact, and making strides to share toys, as well as mommy and daddy.
Let me tell you why I adore Jakie...

He's there to make sure blue (the pacifier) always stays in my mouth. I'm not sure if it's out of love, or merely to keep me quiet.

He's there to pat my head when I'm upset, and tell me everything's going to be okay! See the look of concern on his face?!
I just thought of something. How come, it's okay for him to touch me, but I can't touch him? Oh, that's right, because my touch "hurts", and sometimes even "burns"!!!

He's there to move me when I get stuck in corners or under tables. He's especially quick to try and move me when I'm playing with one of "his" toys.

He's there to hang out with in my crib. We play with the aquarium or just chit-chat about Molly and how hard it is to catch her. Jakie says it used to be his crib-whatever, Jakie. Tell me another tall tale.

Jakie is a great big brother! And he doesn't know it yet, but he loves me too!


Anonymous said...

Lily, I bet your brother abosolutely adores you. Just because he occasionally pulls your hair and yells at you about touching his toys doesn't mean he is jealous. Take it all in stride, girl.

Anonymous said...

Grandma and Grandpa T love to see the pictures and hear about your life adventures. Looks like your relationship with your Big brother is developing very nicely.
Jakie looks a LOT like your daddy did when he was his age.
Have fun!