baby Watch Lilija Grow: Look What I Can Do

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Look What I Can Do

You might be asking yourself "What in the world is Lily doing"? Is she giving praise and adoration to Jakie? Is she fluffing the sofa? Is she looking for spare change between the cushions? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are dead wrong!

I am trying to pull myself up. It may seem as if Jakie is shouting words of encouragement to me on my new venture- but he's actually watching SpongeBob (boys!)

I did it!!! I am so very proud of myself. Can't you just see it in my face. I ROCK! Mommy is also very proud, but she's taking this picture so you can't see her beaming face. And Jakie, well...SpongeBob is still on. Need I say more.

Hey, how did I get to the other end of the sofa (or davenport as Grandma likes to call it)? Oh yeah, I realized that if you move your feet while you're standing you can get from one place to another. Try it- you'll be pleasantly surprised. Tired, but happy.

Well, enough of this. I'm bored of standing. Hey, are those Jakie's kuggas (trains) by the fireplace? I think I'll go check them out since SpongeBob is still on...

By the way mommy- what's the idea of taking this picture? One, a girl never likes to be photographed from behind. And two, you can see my bald spot! I hate the paparazzi

1 comment:

Alex said...

What is this standing thing you demonstrate?!?!? I haven't figured that one out yet. Wait a minute, aren't you younger than me? The rules clearly state you cannot be more advanced than me--I am older than you. Okay, I get it. You want to run with Jakie. I do admit that is a tempting feat...