baby Watch Lilija Grow: Ssssss

Thursday, July 19, 2007


What the heck is this thing? I'm crawling around the playroom (yep, today I discovered that I have a room filled with toys entirely for me and Jakie) and I spy this long colorful,wiggly thing. So of course I must pick it up and check it out. Hmm, you can stretch it out if you want. It's very colorful. I must ask mommy what this thing is...

But first I must taste it. Not very tasty- it tastes like all the rest of my toys (plasticy).

Maybe the tail tastes better than the middle. Nope! Seriously, what the heck is this thing...

SNAKES!!!! Should I be afraid? There's a whole bunch of them hidden in a corner behind a box. This makes me think that they are not good guys. I guess I'll crawl over to mommy with the snake dangling from my mouth and ask her what she thinks of snakes.....Mommy, why are you running away...come back...

Editor's Note: To those of you who know about my irrational and illogical fear of snakes- seeing Lily chomping on the snake gave me the willies. I know they're toys, but they're still gross.

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