baby Watch Lilija Grow: A Saturday in the Country

Monday, July 30, 2007

A Saturday in the Country

While daddy was in Cleveland watching the Twins play ball, mommy, Jakie, and I went up north to visit Grandma and Grandpa. We always have a great time up there!

After our naps, Grandpa told us that he had filled the pool with water. Jakie was very excited about this- me, not so much (I've never been in one, so I just couldn't get as excited). Here we all are lounging by the pool. Grandma is easing me into the water...

Hey, it's just like the big bathtub, but outside. Am I supposed to wash up?

That's my Grandpa Earl. He supposed to be watching me at the moment. I think I'll try some of this green stuff while he's busy reading the car magazine...

Grass sure is yummy. It sticks to your lips.

Jakie and I had a great time visiting Grandma and Grandpa. Hope we see them soon!

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