baby Watch Lilija Grow: Big Girl Bath

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Big Girl Bath

Today they threw me into this vast space filled with water. I believe I heard it called a bathtub over my screaming. I miss my blue plastic tub. I don't care if I'm too big for it- I know it's in the hallway..pleeeease!?

Hold on a second. Jakie seems excited by this big tub. No, wait...I'm wrong. He's envious (and slightly) upset that I'm in "his" tub. Hmm, this has potential...

So, Jakie climbed in and showed me the ropes. He showed me where all the toys are and which side of the tub it's best to throw water over. He even helped wash my hair.

With Jakie looking out for me, this big new tub doesn't seem so frightening anymore. In fact, I kind of like it. I think I'll just play with Nemo.

Just when you're getting used to something (and liking it), you're wisked away into a big fluffy duck towel and photographed. Quack! Quack!

PS Jakie is still playing in the big tub while I'm getting ready for bed-life is SO unfair.


Anonymous said...

It's okay, Lily, soon enough your mommy and daddy will have a hard time getting you OUT of the tub!

Anonymous said...

G&G T love the pictures of how you are growing. The ducky towel with Lily in is the best.