baby Watch Lilija Grow: Halloween: Part I

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween: Part I

Happy Halloween! Here I am checking out the pumpkins- they are really cool! Did you know that you can roll them?

If I look serious it's because I have a cold. If it wasn't for tylenol and ibuprofen I'd be in-miserable (to quote Grandma Genia). But it was such a beautiful afternoon that I couldn't stay insde.

Mmmm...pumpkin! Grandma, I hear you make a wickedly good pumpkin pie- I can't wait to try it.

Here's me and mommy- just the girls hanging out!

We tried to get Jakie involved, but as you can see he wanted no part! He needed to go run and fall in the 'bursh' (bush).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lily, what are you doing up at 5:03AM. Don't you need more sleep?
You are already a little beauty so you must not need the beauty sleep.
You are the cutest little witch we have EVER seen.
Do you let Mom, Dad and Jakie sleep while you are working?
I'm sure they appreciate that!
I will be happy to make pumpkin pie for you.Just let me know when.
Next year should be even more fun.