baby Watch Lilija Grow: July 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007

A Saturday in the Country

While daddy was in Cleveland watching the Twins play ball, mommy, Jakie, and I went up north to visit Grandma and Grandpa. We always have a great time up there!

After our naps, Grandpa told us that he had filled the pool with water. Jakie was very excited about this- me, not so much (I've never been in one, so I just couldn't get as excited). Here we all are lounging by the pool. Grandma is easing me into the water...

Hey, it's just like the big bathtub, but outside. Am I supposed to wash up?

That's my Grandpa Earl. He supposed to be watching me at the moment. I think I'll try some of this green stuff while he's busy reading the car magazine...

Grass sure is yummy. It sticks to your lips.

Jakie and I had a great time visiting Grandma and Grandpa. Hope we see them soon!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Big Girl Bath

Today they threw me into this vast space filled with water. I believe I heard it called a bathtub over my screaming. I miss my blue plastic tub. I don't care if I'm too big for it- I know it's in the hallway..pleeeease!?

Hold on a second. Jakie seems excited by this big tub. No, wait...I'm wrong. He's envious (and slightly) upset that I'm in "his" tub. Hmm, this has potential...

So, Jakie climbed in and showed me the ropes. He showed me where all the toys are and which side of the tub it's best to throw water over. He even helped wash my hair.

With Jakie looking out for me, this big new tub doesn't seem so frightening anymore. In fact, I kind of like it. I think I'll just play with Nemo.

Just when you're getting used to something (and liking it), you're wisked away into a big fluffy duck towel and photographed. Quack! Quack!

PS Jakie is still playing in the big tub while I'm getting ready for bed-life is SO unfair.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


What the heck is this thing? I'm crawling around the playroom (yep, today I discovered that I have a room filled with toys entirely for me and Jakie) and I spy this long colorful,wiggly thing. So of course I must pick it up and check it out. Hmm, you can stretch it out if you want. It's very colorful. I must ask mommy what this thing is...

But first I must taste it. Not very tasty- it tastes like all the rest of my toys (plasticy).

Maybe the tail tastes better than the middle. Nope! Seriously, what the heck is this thing...

SNAKES!!!! Should I be afraid? There's a whole bunch of them hidden in a corner behind a box. This makes me think that they are not good guys. I guess I'll crawl over to mommy with the snake dangling from my mouth and ask her what she thinks of snakes.....Mommy, why are you running away...come back...

Editor's Note: To those of you who know about my irrational and illogical fear of snakes- seeing Lily chomping on the snake gave me the willies. I know they're toys, but they're still gross.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Look What I Can Do

You might be asking yourself "What in the world is Lily doing"? Is she giving praise and adoration to Jakie? Is she fluffing the sofa? Is she looking for spare change between the cushions? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are dead wrong!

I am trying to pull myself up. It may seem as if Jakie is shouting words of encouragement to me on my new venture- but he's actually watching SpongeBob (boys!)

I did it!!! I am so very proud of myself. Can't you just see it in my face. I ROCK! Mommy is also very proud, but she's taking this picture so you can't see her beaming face. And Jakie, well...SpongeBob is still on. Need I say more.

Hey, how did I get to the other end of the sofa (or davenport as Grandma likes to call it)? Oh yeah, I realized that if you move your feet while you're standing you can get from one place to another. Try it- you'll be pleasantly surprised. Tired, but happy.

Well, enough of this. I'm bored of standing. Hey, are those Jakie's kuggas (trains) by the fireplace? I think I'll go check them out since SpongeBob is still on...

By the way mommy- what's the idea of taking this picture? One, a girl never likes to be photographed from behind. And two, you can see my bald spot! I hate the paparazzi

Sunday, July 15, 2007

He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not?

That's me and Jakie, my big brother. We didn't always get along this great. At first he thought I was just visiting. Then he realized I was here to stay, and he got a little mad. But we're slowy getting over that fact, and making strides to share toys, as well as mommy and daddy.
Let me tell you why I adore Jakie...

He's there to make sure blue (the pacifier) always stays in my mouth. I'm not sure if it's out of love, or merely to keep me quiet.

He's there to pat my head when I'm upset, and tell me everything's going to be okay! See the look of concern on his face?!
I just thought of something. How come, it's okay for him to touch me, but I can't touch him? Oh, that's right, because my touch "hurts", and sometimes even "burns"!!!

He's there to move me when I get stuck in corners or under tables. He's especially quick to try and move me when I'm playing with one of "his" toys.

He's there to hang out with in my crib. We play with the aquarium or just chit-chat about Molly and how hard it is to catch her. Jakie says it used to be his crib-whatever, Jakie. Tell me another tall tale.

Jakie is a great big brother! And he doesn't know it yet, but he loves me too!

Friday, July 13, 2007

First Foods

Do not adjust your computer- I am not an angry oompa-loompa with a green beard. My mommy (and I use that term loosely) has made this vile fluorescent green stuff she calls peas, and she's trying to pass it off as food. I am a vault- it will not pass my lips no matter what you try...

What's this? Bright orange stuff. STOP, Mommy! Are you trying to kill me? I don't care if I have to wear glasses, you are not shoving another spoonful of carrots in my mouth. Hey, I just thought of something, since mommy and daddy wear glasses I'll most likely wear glasses! Okay woman- don't try using this "healthy" mumbo-jumbo on me...where's the Bitter biscuit? Oreo? Lorna Doone? Don't worry- Jakie knows where all the good stuff is hidden...

Editor's Note: To date, Lilija will not eat peas (not even if you disguise them). She does however, like carrots. Her favorites to date are bananas, pears, applesauce, plums, and sweet potatoes.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Catchin' Some Rays

Oh, "Hi!" You caught me sunbathing. Although, how much of a tan can a girl get when mommy slathers SPF 50 all over you. Pasty white-that's the color I'm going for this summer.
I bet I look a little different from the first picture you ever saw of me- I've put on a few pounds, grown some hair, and am getter taller by the minute. So much has happened in the last 7 months that I don't know where to begin...

The next few blog entries will help you catch up to what's been happening with and to me. The parents STILL only have dial-up (I hear wi-fi is on the horizon) so blogging will be slow and tedious.

O-oh! Jakie's discovered that I'm playing will his ball. Gotta scaddadle before he catches me...